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Live Euro 2024 Matches at Gare Maritime

26 June @ 18:00 - 20:00


Dive into the action at the Gare Maritime of Tour & Taxis! Join us to support the Belgian national team during the UEFA European Football Championship matches. Experience the excitement of live football on a big screen in a unique and historic setting.

Gather with friends, family, and fellow football enthusiasts in our specially prepared space for the occasion. The giant screen will broadcast every thrilling moment of Belgium’s matches, allowing you to follow every play with unparalleled intensity.

Settle in comfortably, enjoy snacks and refreshments, and immerse yourself in the electric atmosphere of the competition. Whether you’re a dedicated supporter or just looking for a lively night out, this event is the perfect place to experience the passion of live football.

Join us at the Gare Maritime of Tour & Taxis and make every match a memorable moment in a venue steeped in history and camaraderie.


26 June
18:00 - 20:00

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Tour & Taxis
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Gare Maritime
11 Rue Picard
Brussels, 1000 Belgium
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